Monday, February 27, 2012

Who shall we trust?

Who shall we trust?
Forth grade, year of fun, year full of recesses to hide and seek, run and play tag, time to just be silly, free of worries.
It's when you realize your mom and dad aren't as cool as you thought.
It's not for another few years that you should have to realize life is not fair.
Its this year year I realize how cold life is at times.
After bed I hear them yelling, fighting, always fighting. It's my fault I would say with my head under my covers.
Yet they denied it saying it was not your fault.
Maybe i wanted it to be my fault so it could end; that Christmas i saw it end, kinda.
After that i remember hearing how it's all him, how what he did was wrong.
She mad him out to be the villain in a cartoon, and herself dressed as a goddess.
Never put much thought to it, just accepted it, till the day she slipped, that night it all made more sense than ever.
It clicked.
She's far from what she mad herself to be.
That woman everyone trusts to always be there to make it better, to always love you.
Her pants on fire I saw her for what she is, a lier.
She had me treating him like dirt for years.
How would he react when I tell him how wrong I had been, how sorry I was.
How could it be, its as if the last few years were surreal.

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