Monday, February 27, 2012

A chance that never stood a chance.

A chance that never stood a chance.
Stirring tension in the room with only the sounds of confident hands waltzing with the ball point pen and the overworked air conditioner that just barley keeps pace. I fall farther and farther behind wishing I had planned for this moment so it would not be in the books with other fails. This falsehoods creates the illusion of a masterpiece for whats due, at the end of this life when in fact it's all just lies. Lines on top of line, twisted lie after lie, the realization of whats going on sets in like a late night blizzard. Waking up to a thick blanket of frozen snow. Just hits you and now without your shoes or socks the cold sets in like boiling water. The cold burns your bare feet. Look around, no one else is  in this boat for most have that delicate relationship with a flowing pen. With only faint signs of stress surly I'm the only one with not Patel in this unforgiving river of ranking GPA's. Tossing, turning as a child without his blanket falling into submission from that fretful nightmare that haunts him throughout his childhood and carefree adulthood. Then seeing light in the tunnel  as an angle saves him. His knees hit the splintered track ties as the train rips him in two. The realization of his savior forsaking him. His faith gone, he fails once again. Without that plan that never aroused the start of his life is sure to look death in the eyes as news of twins are born well one twin for the second is still and cold and lifeless as firewood. His life never stood a chance.

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