Monday, February 27, 2012

Summer Boredom

SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2011
Summer Boredom
Summer brings me to my knees. Finding that I really do have a hole in my heart where friends should be. What are me school mates doing? look on facebook. going to the mall or at Timmy's house. Makes me wonder why I have a facebook. Even when I post something that requires a comment the best response I get is a few likes. Summer a time of joyous fun and I'm cooped up in my cave of isolation with the world that so coldly blocked me  in here just on the far side of the portal. The light at the end of my tunnel would be what everyone else sees as a a way to become a golden marshmallow roasted over the red hot coals of a once ravenous campfire. While I'm in the plastic bag suffocated from the outside world.  That last little bit of milk that goes sower. The feeling of unwantedness sinks in around me like a first winter snow.

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