Monday, February 27, 2012

My Fortress

My Fortress
All you see of me is a large stone gray wall many times taller than the surrounding.
All you see is what I have built up, to show the world,
atop the wall you may see the guards dressed in their yellow robes.
This great wall, I built to see who would try to see what’s inside.
What is inside? A great city full of wonderful wonders of all colors.
A majestic palace of silver and gold, crimson tiles and curtains beautiful pictures framed in a soft cream.
At night the palace glows with a soft green
The buildings made from the finest white marble.
But all you see on the outside in that great gray wall and beep blue moat that runs the perimeter.
Till the day I find someone I wish to shear the inner city for then and only then the wall crumbles, the moat dries up.
The realizing the true cost of diminishing the wall I realize it was not worth it.
The wall not so great must be built back into its greatness.
Slowly, day by day the ashy gray stones are put back to place by the guards in yellow.
Till, all you see of me is a large stone gray wall many times taller than the surrounding.

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