Thursday, January 17, 2013

Driving Pizza

So I have been driving pizzas for two and a half months now and it really is fun. It has given me lots of time to think, since I spend most of my tine in my truck with pizzas. Yes, I do smell like pizza and my truck me feel like a pizza oven right now but he hits cold outside and i have the heater on. So it feels like an oven and smells like pipping hot pizza, but least it's not the inside of a grimy gym bag. Chauffeuring pizzas can be stressful at times, but really that is only when there are customers that complain that it took 35 minutes, when we say it will take 25-30 minutes. Come on people things change, red lights happen and when you live in a gated community and do not give me the gate code, or there is is no map and I have to just start driving around the apartment complex that takes time. This job has definitely put a positive spin on my life and is really helping me. I am more tired after driving 50-100 miles in a shift but at the same time I am sleeping better and over all just feel more alive and more energetic. There really are only a few down sides to this job, 1) lots of miles on you vehicle 2) When driving and you have to leave you vehicle to go to a house or back into the store and a good song is on the radio 3) We sell Pepsi products. Customer "and I would like a 2-liter Coke" ME: "Sorry Sir we carry Pepsi, is that okay?" I almost always get one of these answers. Customer "I'll take a Dr Pepper then" and I have to say sorry we do not carry Dr Pepper. Or they say something along the lines of "Forget the drinks." That makes me feel so bad because I cant get the customer everything they are asking for.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Lost and they don't make a map for this.

Not really sure what I am doing with my life right now. Really am stuck in a rut that has long dried up. Being sick last year really messed up a lot in my life, failed a few classes and did not graduate from high school and I am sick again. My luck right? I just really don't know where to go from here and it's all just getting worse. I should probably be working on a class right now but instead I'm here writing this and waiting for a hero to find me. Maybe just give me some motivation to finish up and do something. My B-day is in a few days, eleven to be specific, and I have no plans don't even really know who all is still living close enough to hang with. Worst part is I shall be nineteen and still not have one of the most important pieces of worthless paper in my live, DIPLOMA, ya nineteen and not much to show for it. I really want to find the brighter side of this dark rain cloud. Maybe comment a few ideas if ya have a few. I am trying to stay open minded as much as possible so really I am down for anything.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Spending so much time on the road the last two days has been tiring but worth it. I have gained some great shots and about 100 times more pictures I probably will never use. Out in Pinetop, AZ its really easy to get out of the town lights. Only 10 miles out of town and just 150 yards down a dirt road you can escape any and all light pollution. I have been working in the past to try to photograph stars, but with only having a few gems. Most of the time they cam out to orange and with way to much noise or not enough light and the stars do not show up. Here are three that I took that came out really well.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Local expression.

Some local art in Flagstaff just thought you guys would love to see some graffiti that's not destructive.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

London Bridge in America?

Been on the road five hours so far and covered 250 miles, yet I am only in Lake Havasu. Interesting fact that song London bridge is falling down, ya that nursery rhyme that'd stuck in your head now. Ya the original London Bridge is here in Lake Havasu, Arizona. Hope there is time to get a few pics of the famous bridge that was moved brick by brick here. So I did get some pictures here are two of the best I got. We ended up spending the whole day on the road over 500 miles today. We finally got into Prescott Motel 6 about seven-thirty. Dinner at the neighboring J.B.'s was a great 

Coffee's sweet aroma

Gently waking up to the smell of coffee  then to hear my buzzer alarm go off. For the next three days I will be my step-dads chauffeur around Arizona. One good thing that comes out of this is I will have many new photo options while he is in meetings and while driving I should have plenty of time to think. I know it has been a while since my last post but I think that can be seen as a good thing. Since my last posts were one the depressing side of life, but hey we all have our down times. So in the next few days I should be posting some really cool photos and maybe some good thoughts. Here is one I thought of last night before I fell asleep. I saw a picture of a trash can and how it only takes a few hours to fill about 80% of the can but the other 20% takes 3-4 days. I got to thinking a lot of things are like that. Say a gallon of milk in your refrigerator. In 2-3 day about 80% of the milk is gone and the other 20% takes about twice as long to be used up. That goes for a lot of things, a 12 pack of soda, first 8-9 are drank in a much faster time frame then then the last 3-4 are. I know with the milk it is the fact that if I want cereal in the morning I need to save some. But I think it is human instinct to conserve something when what we have gets close to being gone, even when it is only a short trip to the store to buy more. With instances like the time it takes to fill up a trash can, it is just out of laziness.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Little Spider Needs a Change

One knows when they need to make changes on their life. Seriously everything seams great and just one day you see or do something that makes you think. Like wow what am I doing here. Hopefully its before you're tied to a chair in a dark alleyway.  Luckily it was just an ex-girlfriend that I offered a place to stay for a few days.  It was more than enough to get me thinking, Wow. It times like this when you know you need some new close friends someone you can truly trust. I feel like I have been a little spider just making a web waiting to catch me some food, secretly admiring the wolf spider that goes and hunts his for his food.