Friday, September 7, 2012

Lost and they don't make a map for this.

Not really sure what I am doing with my life right now. Really am stuck in a rut that has long dried up. Being sick last year really messed up a lot in my life, failed a few classes and did not graduate from high school and I am sick again. My luck right? I just really don't know where to go from here and it's all just getting worse. I should probably be working on a class right now but instead I'm here writing this and waiting for a hero to find me. Maybe just give me some motivation to finish up and do something. My B-day is in a few days, eleven to be specific, and I have no plans don't even really know who all is still living close enough to hang with. Worst part is I shall be nineteen and still not have one of the most important pieces of worthless paper in my live, DIPLOMA, ya nineteen and not much to show for it. I really want to find the brighter side of this dark rain cloud. Maybe comment a few ideas if ya have a few. I am trying to stay open minded as much as possible so really I am down for anything.